Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Workout Routines

I love to workout and go to the gym (for real, i do), I just am not a fan of workouts. I guess you could say, it's more that I get bored with the same workout routine over and over, day in and day out (how many other cliché phrases can i use?). I need variety in my workouts, not to mention, if you never change from what you have always done, you will be what you have always been (i know there's a quote about that on the interwebs somewhere. look it up. powerful stuff.). I also tend to be pretty simple and basic when it comes to my workouts. No complicated, fancy-schmancy machine work or, unnecessary moves (no time for all that nonsense.). So here are my workout routines:

This is my cardio workout plan that I follow. First, let me be very clear about something: I. Hate. Cardio. That's it. I don't like it at all. I tried getting on the elliptical and jogging out a 30 minute power workout, while watching Netflix and, I was bored out of my mind! I am totally convinced that the longest 30 minutes of your life is spent on a cardio machine (ok, maybe a health screening or a restroom line has it beat, but not by much!). Now that that's cleared up, I love this plan! It just works for me. Basically, it's just 4 separate two-week plans, in one long eight-week plan (it's the same however you choose to look at it. fyi, i choose the first way.). Every two weeks, your workout changes. The ratio from high-intensity to low-intensity changes, as does the length of the workout itself. The longest workout you will ever have is 20 minutes and that is for weeks seven and eight (20 minutes max at the end of the plan? I can totally do that.). Also, the pace fluctuates every 15, 30, or 60 seconds in each individual workout. No room for boredom here! As someone who still is not a fan of traditional cardio, I highly recommend you to check out HIIT if you are looking to shed fat or for heart health (there are tons of articles on the benefits of HIIT. just google it and you'll see.). So, if i hate cardio so much, why do I include it in my fitness routine? Fat loss. Plain and simple.

I know, the first thing you thought was, "umm this is a dude's workout plan and I'll get bulky like she-hulk." (yes, those words exactly.) Just follow me. 1- you will not get bulky like she-hulk from lifting alone. It's just not how girls are made. However, if you lift hard and take test, well then, you're probably going to get a phone call from Stan Lee to be in the next Avengers movie (if you do, could you get me Capt. America's autograph?). I don't have the time to go into it but since you're already on the interwebs, you can look that information up too, if you wish. I will tell you that, lifting does not make a girl look like a guy. Period. Myth busted. End of story. Anyway, this plan works for me because it is basic moves using dumbbells or a barbell, and trains all major muscle groups. Plus, you really don't need to go to the gym to complete the moves. I personally have a set of adjustable weight dumbbells at home (best invention and investment ever!), and was able to complete my workout during Snowpacalypse 2015. So, why do I include weight lifting in my fitness routine? For tone and definition. Plain and simple (déjà vu?) 

I usually switch back and forth between these two plans. I never combine them and do them together. Currently I am on week two of my cardio plan. Also, perhaps I should have stated this at the beginning of this post but, in case you did not know, I am not a doctor. I cannot tell you that you need to do any or all of these exercises. I am merely telling you what I do, and why I do it. I know you have heard it before but, you do need to consult your physician before starting any type of exercise routine. After you have done that, I hope you give these plans a shot and let me know what you thought and how they worked for you. Of course if you are looking to make major changes in your body composition, diet and nutrition is the most important thing but, that is a whole other post.  

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