Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Post About Job Interviews.

(We interrupt the scheduled "Get to Class" post series for this exciting(?) post.)
(I wasnt sure exactly what to title this blog but, "A Post About Job Interviews" pretty much sums it up.) 

I have been on a few job interviews in my short "working age" life. Not an excessive amount but enough to sort of know what I'm doing when it comes to interviewing. Although, that could be the first tip: interviewees never know what they are doing. Sure, you can be prepared (which i will help you with) and muster up all the confidence you can but, you never really know exactly what they are going to ask or the scenario questions you will face. Since I have a number of interviews this week (i'd appreciate prayers), I figured I would show you what I wear and how I prepare.

One of my interviews is at a day school that is fairly laid back. It's a bit like a Montessori school, with a huge focus on hands-on learning. Since this is a somewhat casual environment, I decided to forgo the business attire and create a more classy, casual outfit.


TOP: JCPenney
SHOES: Target (thanks to cartwheel they were less than $5!!)

I also have two other interviews for two public schools in the same school district. They are for the same posistion but, one is at the elementary school and the other is at the middle school. After a bit of reasearch on both of the schools as well as the high school, it became clear that the mascot colors were red and black. Now I could practically write an entire book on the fact that red is my absolute, hands down, no bones about it, least favorite color. Ever. However, I digress. In an effort to show some school spirit and possibly earn some bonus interview points, I purchased a red blouse. That's right, I dislike the color so much that I have absolutely nothing red in my closet. Furthermore, since the color disgusts me, I wasnt looking to spend many of my hard earned dollars on it. Problem solved. Thank you Walmart, for my $3 blouse.

TOP: Walmarrt
(i have owned this simple, cotton black skirt since middle school. 10+ years. it has served me well) 
BLAZER: Nordstrom
SHOES: Walmart? (also realized during this outfit construction that i have no black flats. i do not know why)

Now, along with my well-dressed and confident self, I will have my resume and my letters of recommendation with me.

I have used these report covers before but, I needed more and, though it pained me, I bought them in the coordinating school color and just a basic black for my other interview. I highly recommend these. I know some people may not even take their resume with them (not sure why you wouldnt) and some people bring their resume just stapled together (wrinkles? rain? mystery stains?) but, I prefer to set a standard for myself and what my potential employer can expect from me. Plus, I just feel it's nice and neat and more professional looking. And if you're not totally convinced of the power of a report covered resume, all of the families I interviewed with for nanny positions, commented on how my resume presentation set me apart. I also got each one of those jobs. Coincidence? I dont think so.

The biggest thing I can tell you is, to be confident. You really need to sell yourself. Be calm. The best interviewee had lots of practice. Which by practice, I mean lots of interviews. Even if you dont get a position, being able to go through the interview process is well worth it. So, have the mind set of "I know this and I've got this. If I do not get chosen, then I will at least have added to my interview experience".

Choose to make today great!!!

xo- Jessica

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